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Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies (MaxPo)

The Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies (MaxPo) is a Franco-German research center which was jointly founded in 2012 by the Max Planck Society and Sciences Po at the initiative of the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) in Cologne. The Center's research investigates how individuals, organizations, and nation-states are coping with the new forms of economic and social instability that have developed in Western societies as a result of policy shifts, the expansion of markets, technological advances, and cultural changes. Located at Sciences Po Paris and cooperating closely with the MPIfG, the Center aims to contribute substantially to the social sciences in Europe and to enrich academic and political dialogue between France and Germany. MaxPo was established in 2012. The Center provides an institutional footing for the MPIfG in France and links Sciences Po to the social sciences in Germany, giving them both more visibility as leading research institutions in Europe. The Center fosters cooperation between France and Germany in the social sciences by promoting the exchange of researchers and building a joint research program. Research workshops, a visitors’ program, and connections to social science institutions both within and beyond Europe reinforce the Center's international orientation.
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