
Search Results

50421. Altercating Interests and Orientations between Israel and Turkey: A View from Israel

50422. Between Crises and Cooperation: The Future of Turkish-Israeli Relations

50423. Sarkozy's Policy in the Middle-East: A Break with the Past?

50424. Muslim Democrats in Turkey and Egypt: Participatory Politics as a Catalyst

50425. The Emergence and Rise of Conservative Elite in Turkey

50426. Michel McGaha, Autobiographies of Orhan Pamuk: The Writer in His Novels

50427. Ibrahim the Mad and Other Plays: An Anthology of Modern Turkish Drama

50428. Arnold Reisman, Turkey's Modernization: Refugees from Nazism and Atatürk's Vision

50429. Montserrat Guibernau, The Identity of Nations

50430. Roger Trigg, Religion in Public Life: Must Faith Be Privatized?