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2. US Student Pro-Palestine Demonstrations Remain Overwhelmingly Peaceful | ACLED Brief
- Author:
- Bianca Ho and Kieran Doyle
- Publication Date:
- 05-2024
- Content Type:
- Commentary and Analysis
- Institution:
- Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED)
- Abstract:
- Student protests calling for divestment from Israel on university campuses around the United States are the latest sign of public discontent with the Israel-Palestine conflict. Some notable violent clashes have recently taken place, such as on the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus, where demonstrators and counter-demonstrators fought at a student encampment overnight on 30 April. However, between 7 October and 3 May, the overwhelming majority of student demonstrations — 97% — have remained peaceful. Demonstrations involving students now make up more than 40% of all US demonstration activity related to the conflict since it reignited in October 2023. Over 94% of the more than 1,360 student demonstrations held between 7 October 2023 and 3 May 2024 have shown support for Palestine.
- Topic:
- Political Movements, Students, Demonstrations, Divestment, and Universities
- Political Geography:
- Middle East, Palestine, Gaza, North America, and United States of America
3. Outlook 2030 Brief: The U.S. and International Education
- Author:
- Allan E. Goodman and Mirka Martel
- Publication Date:
- 03-2024
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Institute of International Education (IIE)
- Abstract:
- For over a century, the United States has been the leading destination for international students. Unlike higher education systems elsewhere, the U.S. maintains a decentralized public and private tertiary education system where international students may apply and enroll at the state, city, and local levels. This annual brief presents key trends in academic mobility to the United States, comparing annual findings to our projections, and suggestions for campus planning to accommodate the anticipated growth in international students.
- Topic:
- Education, Higher Education, Students, and International Exchange
- Political Geography:
- North America and United States of America
4. Spring 2024 Snapshot on International Educational Exchange
- Author:
- Mirka Martel
- Publication Date:
- 08-2024
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Institute of International Education (IIE)
- Abstract:
- The Spring 2024 Snapshot on International Educational Exchange continues the commitment of the Institute of International Education (IIE) to map the current state of international educational exchange to and from the United States. The report presents data from 662 U.S. higher education institutions in two sections: (1) current trends in international students studying at U.S. institutions in spring 2024 and recruitment patterns for prospective students and (2) the realities of U.S. study abroad ahead of academic year 2024/25.
- Topic:
- Education, Students, International Exchange, and Academic Exchange
- Political Geography:
- North America and United States of America
5. Kadın Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Gözünden Maden Mühendisliği Mesleğinin Toplumsal Cinsiyet Algısına Dayalı Olarak Değerlendirilmesi
- Author:
- Tuğba Deniz Tombal
- Publication Date:
- 12-2023
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- Bilgi
- Institution:
- Sakarya University (SAU)
- Abstract:
- Bu çalışmada, Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de halen erkek egemen bir alan olarak kabul edilen maden mühendisliği mesleğine kadın maden mühendisliği öğrencilerinin perspektifinden bakarak mesleğin toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliği yönünden irdelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de maden mühendisliği eğitimi alan kadın öğrencilerin, eğitim hayatlarında cinsiyetçi rollere dayalı olarak karşılaştıkları sorunları tespit etmeyi ve çözüm önerileri sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, 76 katılımcının görüşlerine dayalı olarak bir saha çalışması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmada katılımcılara iki kısımdan oluşan bir dijital anket dağıtılmıştır. Anketin ilk kısmında demografik bilgiler, ikinci kısmında ise katılımcıların mesleklerini toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı olarak değerlendirmelerine ilişkin sorular sorulmuştur. Çalışmadan elde edilen veriler değerlendirilerek ve yorumlanarak çözüm önerileri sunulmuştur.
- Topic:
- Inequality, Mining, Students, Engineering, Gender, and Perception
- Political Geography:
- Turkey and Middle East
6. Budget Brief: Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman
- Author:
- Avani Kapur, Sharad Pandey, and Madhur Sharma
- Publication Date:
- 02-2023
- Content Type:
- Policy Brief
- Institution:
- Centre for Policy Research, India
- Abstract:
- The National Programme of PM POSHAN, previously known as the National Scheme for Mid-Day Meals in schools (MDM), is a scheme to provide one hot cooked meal in government and government-aided schools, with an aim to improve the nutritional status of students. This brief reports on trends for PM POSHAN performance along the following parameters: ■ Past trends in allocations, releases, and utilisation; ■ Coverage and provision of meals to students; and ■ Management Information System (MIS) and Automated Monitoring System (AMS).
- Topic:
- Education, Budget, and Students
- Political Geography:
- South Asia and India
7. Spring 2023 Snapshot on International Educational Exchange
- Author:
- Julie Baer and Mirka Martel
- Publication Date:
- 06-2023
- Content Type:
- Special Report
- Institution:
- Institute of International Education (IIE)
- Abstract:
- The Spring 2023 Snapshot on International Educational Exchange continues the commitment of the Institute of International Education (IIE) to map the current state of international educational exchange to and from the United States. The report presents data from 527 U.S. higher education institutions in two sections: (1) current trends in international students studying at U.S. institutions in spring 2023 and recruitment patterns for prospective students and (2) the realities of U.S. study abroad in summer 2023 and academic year 2023/24. Each section is supplemented by special analyses on underrepresented populations participating in international educational exchange. On inbound mobility, we present data on non-degree international students and refugees and displaced students. The study abroad section includes insights on data collection of underrepresented populations in study abroad, including students with high financial need, first generation students, and other populations.
- Topic:
- Education, Higher Education, Students, and International Exchange
- Political Geography:
- North America and United States of America
8. Internationalising Indian Education: Work Visas for Foreign Students
- Author:
- Sifra Lentin
- Publication Date:
- 11-2023
- Content Type:
- Research Paper
- Institution:
- Gateway House: Indian Council on Global Relations
- Abstract:
- This paper recommends amending India’s student visa policy to allow foreign students to work in India on paid internships while studying at Indian colleges and universities, and in jobs for pre-determined periods after they graduate. This modification to India’s ‘S’ Visa provisions would be an important step towards internationalising Indian higher education institutes (IHEIs) – a pivotal objective of India’s New Education Policy (NEP 2020), which advocates attracting more foreign students to study in Indian colleges but does not address changes in student visa rules, even though they would align India’s student visa practices with global norms. The paper supports its argument with five key findings: First, authorising foreign students to work in India surely would attract many more than the estimated 50,000 foreign students currently studying in Indian colleges either at their own cost or on scholarships. Second, India’s accredited new private and regional or state universities and colleges would benefit greatly from an increase in overseas students. New Indian universities have been seeking to build culturally and globally diverse student bodies, enrich classrooms, expand student networks and bring in foreign-exchange revenues. Allowing foreign students to work during or immediately after their time on campus will support their pursuit of all these goals, in particular by attracting students from beyond India’s neighbourhood. The success of overseas Indian doctors and engineers in these countries will encourage students from developed countries to enrol in Indian institutions, and students from established source countries in Africa and South Asia will see the opportunity to get field experience in India as a key value addition to Indian degrees. Third, work visas for foreign students would be important for Indian companies that are internationalising. Through on-campus recruitment and hiring of foreign talent on Indian campuses and hiring alumni of Indian colleges and universities who return to their home countries, Indian companies should be able to develop a natural talent cohort that is culturally acclimatised to India. Fourth, alumni of Indian institutions of higher learning who return to their countries of origin can serve as a valuable “cultural bridge” between India and other countries. Finally, for India’s foreign policy, student work visas would reinforce an important plank of bilateral relations: reciprocity. An estimated 65% of Indian students who study abroad – 7,50,000 Indian students in 2022 – avail themselves of overseas work experience. Offering one-to-three-year work visas to foreign students who graduate from Indian universities can only strengthen India’s international relationships. A student work visa policy can be implemented in a two-year phased and regulated manner. Such an implementation period will help all stakeholders – universities and colleges, companies, and ministries of education, external affairs, home, finance, and commerce – to develop and hone systems, processes, policy, regulations and coordination structures.
- Topic:
- Education, Students, Visa, and Internationalization
- Political Geography:
- South Asia and India
9. Cultural Security in the Context of the Analysis of the Religiosity of Belarusian Students
- Author:
- Viktoryia Baretskaya
- Publication Date:
- 06-2023
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
- Institution:
- Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- Abstract:
- Religion can become an instrument of manipulation and destabilization in society, everything depends on people who have access to the levers of power, the position of Church hierarchs and the level of religious literacy of the population. The article is devoted to the study of the concept of the correlation of national identity and Christian universalism, as well as the model of Church–State relations in the modern social teaching of the Russian Orthodox Church, in the context of the analysis of some aspects of the religiosity of the Belarusian student youth, namely quantitative indicators of trust in the Church, attendance of divine services, and confessional affiliation.
- Topic:
- Security, Religion, Culture, Students, and Identity
- Political Geography:
- Eastern Europe and Belarus
10. Scientific and Educational Life of Ukrainians in Bavaria
- Author:
- Artem Kokosh
- Publication Date:
- 09-2023
- Content Type:
- Journal Article
- Journal:
- Nowa Polityka Wschodnia
- Institution:
- Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
- Abstract:
- The phenomenon of the Ukrainian national minority is well known in Bavaria. Despite the noticeable presence in Landtag, local universities, Bavarian Academy of Sciences, diplomatic offices and other institutions, they are not the most populous minority in the region. Moreover, in the early 2000s there was the Ukrainian school, Technical- Husbandry Institute and University which had the legal acts to offer education to not only Ukrainians but also to people of other nationalities. What opportunities are available to Ukrainians in Bavaria to benefit from favourable conditions and how is the local authority handling the matter of the Ukrainian institutions? The main objective of the research is to identify the main periods of Ukrainian presence in scientific and educational institutions in Bavaria, as well as research their status in the region. Moreover, the support of these institutions to Ukrainian refugees in 2022 will be studied. Examining the Ukrainian refugee situation in Europe, the article will also evaluate the utility of these institutions. As a final point, the study presents the capacity of these institutions to affect the integration of students into society nowadays.
- Topic:
- Education, Minorities, Refugees, Students, Russia-Ukraine War, and Universities
- Political Geography:
- Europe, Ukraine, and Bavaria