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1. EU Governance: Struggle Between Cooperation and Competition

2. Looking Within and Without: The Path to Tread by Muslims

3. Sustainable Democracy and the Paradox of the Arab Spring: The Egypt Experience

4. Rethinking the Conflict- Proneness of Oil-Rentiers State in Historical Context

5. Religion as a Factor in Israeli-Turkish Relations: A Constructivist Overlook

6. An Empirical Look to the Arab Spring: Causes and Consequences

7. Turkeys Development Assistance to Fragile States: From Sporadic Actions to System Building Practices

8. Guest Editor's Note: The End of the Arab Spring?

9. Arab Spring in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya: A Comparative Analysis of Causes and Determinants

10. From the Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe to the Arab Spring: Lessons for Democratic Transition

11. When Life Imitates Art: The Arab Spring, the Middle East, and the Modern World

12. 'Blown Away by the Winds Like Ashes:' Biopower in Egypt's #25 Jan and Iraq's 14 Tammuz

13. Debating the Merits of the "Turkish Model" for Democratization in the Middle East

14. Turkish Foreign Policy toward the Iranian Nuclear Programme: In Search of a New Middle East Order after the Arab Spring and the Syrian Civil War

15. The 'Arab Spring' and South China Sea Tensions: Analyzing China's Drive to Energy Security

16. Book Review: Iranian and Turkish rapprochement: Damaged by the Arab Spring?

17. Book Review: Change and Opportunities in the Emerging Mediterranean.

18. Historical Construction and Development of Bosniak Nation

19. Could Turkey Be a Dominant Regional Power?: The Rise of Turkey as a Country of Middle-East and Europe

20. Turkish-Armenian Relations and the Issue of the Recognition of the claims of the Armenian genocide

21. Transformation of Turkish Foreign Policy Toward the Middle East : From Non-Involvement to a Leading Role

22. The Trials and Tribulations of Constitutionalism and the Constitution Making Process in Zimbabwe

23. Critical Security in the 21st Century: The Resonating Voices of Thucydides

24. American Democracy Promotion In The Arabian Gulf

25. Rabindranath's Nationalist Thought: A Retrospect

26. The European Union: A Schumpeterian Model of Democracy?

27. Compromize and Controversy Over Global Intercountry Adoption: A Comparative Analysis of Adoption in Haiti, Chad, Southeast Asian Countries, and Cambodia

28. Regional Innovation Policy: An Analysis of Turkey's Aegean, Marmara, East Anatolia and Southeast Anatolia Regions

29. Turkish Political Culture and Civil Society: An Unsettling Coupling?

30. Transitioning Afghanistan in the Post-Withdrawal Era: Setting the stage for a stable political order

31. Relations Between Politics and Constitutional Review in Turkey with Special Reference to the Referrals of Republican People's Party: 2002-2010 Period

32. The Potential for a China-Russia Military Alliance Explored

33. Caucasus and Central Asia in Turkish Foreign Policy: The Time Has Come for a New Regional Policy

34. Turkey and Iran Rivalry on Syria

35. Britain's Policy Toward Kurdistan at the End of the First World War

36. Diplomacy, Regime Change Agenda and the Survival of Zimbabwe in the New Millennium

37. The Impact of Changing Islamic Identity in Turkey's New Foreign Policy

38. The Counter-Revolution in Diplomacy and Other Essays (G. R. Berridge)

39. Passive Globalization and the Failure of the European Union's Lisbon Strategy, 2000-2010: Some New Cross-National Evidence

40. The European Union Foreign and Security Actions and the Western Balkans

41. Iran's Nuclear Program: The US Misses Opportunities? –An Examination of US Policies in the Middle East and Implications of those Policies on the US Global Position–

42. Understanding Iran's Foreign Policy: An Application of Holistic Constructivism

43. The Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Reconciling or Re-dividing Liberia?

44. Economic Sanctions: A Panacea to Democracy and Good Governance in Zimbabwe?

45. Iran's Foreign Policy during Ahmadinejad: From Confrontation to Accommodation

46. How worthy Israeli Relations for Turkey?

47. Chinese Aid to Africa: Filling the gaps that others left

48. Right-wing Populism and the European Union

49. The Shifting Global Power Balance Equations and the Emerging Real 'New World Order'

50. Thucydides: An Author Still Relevant for the Contemporary Analysis of International Relations?

51. Roma Question: Reflecting the Internal Debate within the European Union

52. Democratization in the Gulf Monarchies and American Civil Society

53. Political Performance and Provincial Governors' Promotion in China from 1999 to 2007

54. The Potential Value of the Adoption of an Aristotelian-Centred Communitarian Vocabulary: Facilitating a Character Turn

55. Global Combat against Terrorism and Money Laundering: A Historical Perspective with Assessment and Strategy

56. Learning from Dependency and World System Theory : Explaining Europe's Failure in the 'Lisbon Process'

57. British Legacy and Evolution of Kurdish Nationalism in Iraq (1918-1926): What Significance the 'Mosul Question'?

58. Security Debates and Alliance against Terrorism

59. Public Perceptions and Reactions : Gauging African Views of China in Africa

60. Zimbabwe-Russia Relations in the 21st Century

61. Convergence of State Policy Analyses in the Context of Globalization : An Application of the 'Herbert Kitschelt' Model

62. Between Ethnic-Nationalism, Civic-Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism: Discourses on the Identity of the EU and the Debates on Turkey's Accession

63. Turkey's New Activism in Asia

64. Language, Identity and Politics in Turkey: Nationalist Discourse on Creating a Common Turkic Language

65. Globalization and the Role of Islam in the post-Soviet Central Asia

66. The Relations between Central Asian States and United States, China and Russian within the Framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

67. Ballistic Missile Defense in Europe

68. International Politics and the Media: The Case of the Press/Media in the War on Terror

69. Re-thinking 'Normative Power Europe' from a Historical Perspective: Non-European Integration and the "Normative Shift"

70. Harmonizing Foreign Policy: Turkey, the EU and the Middle East (Mesut Ozcan)

71. Democracy in the European Union and the Treaty of Lisbon

72. The Policies around the BTC Pipeline

73. The Palestinian Refugee Question: A Constitutive Constructivist Interpretation

74. The Nexus between the Democratic Peace Theory and Economic Coercion: Why Democracies Fight Each Other?

75. The Nexus between the Democratic Peace Theory and Economic Coercion: Why Democracies Fight Each Other?

76. On Vulnerability in the South: Sovereignty in the Post-Colonial Space

77. Winning Turkey: How America, Europe and Turkey Can Revive a Fading Partnership

78. European Union Conditionality: Coercion or Voluntary Adaptation?

79. Tectonic Shifts and Systemic Faultlines: A Global Perspective to Understand the 2008-2009 World Economic Crisis

80. Environmental Justice in World Politics

81. Causes for Participation in hegemonic Governance

82. Whose Agenda Is Served by the Idea of a Shia Crescent?

83. Systemic Frustration Paradigm: A New Approach to Explaining Terrorism

84. The political realism of Augustine and Morgenthau: Issues of Man, God, and just war

85. Causes for Participation in Hegemonic Governance

86. The Internationalization of Oil Violence in the Niger Delta of Nigeria

87. International Election Observers in Africa: The Case of Ethiopia

88. Counter Transformations in the Center and Periphery of Turkish Society and the Rise of the Justice and Development Party

89. Revisiting the Profile of the American Voter in the Context of Declining Turnout

90. Russia and Azerbaijan: Relations after 1989

91. PAK-TURKEY RELATIONS: On the Common Ties

92. The Turkish Project Of Globalization And New Regionalism

93. Perceptions Of The War Against Terrorism (WAT): A Malaysian Case Study

94. US Policy towards the Islamic World

95. The political realism of Augustine and Morgenthau: Issues of Man, God, and just war

96. Postcolonialism and Postcoloniality: A Premortem Prognosis

97. Transboundary Water Cooperation in Africa: The Case of the Nile Basin Initiative

98. The New World Order": An Outline of the Post-Cold War Era