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1. Grounding Women’s Land Rights: Towards equity and climate justice

2. Leaving No One Behind: A green bargain for people and planet

3. Contemporary Terrorism: A Theoretical Perspective

4. Reflections on WTO Reform: Lecture series by Ignacio Garcia Bercero

5. The Advisory Function of the International Court of Justice: Are States Resorting to Advisory Proceedings as a “Soft” Litigation Strategy?

6. Exploring Law Enforcement Hacking as a Tool Against Transnational Cyber Crime

7. Red herrings: A model of attention-hijacking by politicians

8. Mapping exile: Bridging knowledge and advocating for scholars at risk

9. MIT reflects on COP28

10. Mercosur and Environment: progress in promoting the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda

11. Simulations of the United Nations Veto Initiative: Process, Documents, and Prospects for Reform

12. Restructuring sovereign debt: The need for a coordinated framework

13. The El Niño Southern Oscillation and Geopolitical Risk

14. How to create decent work for women: Policy lessons for low- and middle-income countries

15. The flaws in project-based carbon credit trading and the need for jurisdictional alternatives

16. Introduction: Marxifying IR, IRifying Marxism

17. Quo Vadis, Historical International Relations? Geopolitical Marxism and the Promise of Radical Historicism

18. “Winning the Peace”: The Role of International Peace Settlements in the Creation of World Orders – A “Geopolitical Marxist” Perspective

19. Reconciling Tensions in the Analysis of Bourgeois Revolutions: A Critical Realist Approach

20. The Rise and Decline of the Liberal World Order and the Multilateral Trade System: A Critical-Constructivist Synthesis to International Regime Analysis

21. Resistance and Change in Form and Content of International Law: A Third World Perspective on Commodity Form Theory of International Law

22. Climate Plans for the People: Civil society and community participation in national action plans on climate change

23. Increasing Civil Society Ownership of National Climate Plans: Lessons drawn from Senegal’s NDC experience

24. Beyond Crises: The future of Special Drawing Rights as a source of development and climate finance

25. Decoding the Global Goal on Adaptation at COP28

26. Gender Inclusion in the Pandemic Agreement: A Growing Gap?

27. Advancing Feminist Foreign Policy in the Multilateral System: Key Debates and Challenges

28. Specialized Police Teams in UN Peace Operations: A Survey of Progress and Challenges

29. Can the World Bank Deliver on Climate Change? Testing the Evolution Roadmap through Loss and Damage

30. Blockchain and Energy Understanding Opportunities and Challenges

31. The Sky Is Not the Limit. Geopolitics and Economics of the New Space Race

32. Productivity spillovers from FDI: A firm-level cross-country analysis

33. The economic case for climate finance at scale

34. Navigating the treacherous political economy of structural reform

35. Global supply chains: lessons from a decade of disruption

36. Knowledge spillovers and geopolitical challenges in global supply chains

37. Bold International Tax Reforms to Counteract the OECD Global Tax

38. Overcoming digital threats to democracy

39. Social Reintegration of Former Inmates: Networked Strategies for Promoting Public Policies and Strengthening Civil Society Organizations

40. The Neo-Global World: Past Baggage, Present Challenges, Future Prospects

41. Illiberalism in International Relations

42. Hegel and the Theory of International Relations: General Paradigm of the Hegelian System

43. What Makes an Imagined Future Credible?

44. Triffin Reloaded: The Matrix of Contradictions around Global Quasi-State Money

45. Dealing Government Bonds: Trading Infrastructures and Infrastructural Power in European Markets for Public Debt

46. Nationality and the Right to Enter: Assessing the Impact of Refusal of Entry for the Purpose of Statelessness Determination

47. Gender mainstreaming in United Nations peace operations: an unfulfilled promise?

48. Happy Election Year!

49. New global (dis)order – about a world that frightens us

50. The UN Summit of the Future (September 2024): Which opportunities for the OSCE?

51. Leveraging Charging Strategies to Reduce Grid Impacts of Electric Vehicles

52. Sodium: An Alternative to the "White Gold" of the Energy Transition?

53. How Multimodal AI Could Retool Global Crisis Response

54. Locally-led climate change adaptation works: Here are eight ways to support it

55. Non-state armed groups in the sky

56. Bridging the gap in climate change financing to violent conflict affected areas

57. War volunteers in the digital age: How new technologies transform conflict dynamics

58. Essential concepts must be contested

59. The role of artificial intelligence in modern warfare

60. Global IR Research Programme: From Perplexities to Progressions

61. Are We There Yet? A Global Investigation of Knowledge Inclusion in International Relations Theory Curricula

62. Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders

63. Disentangling Government Responses: How Do We Know When Accountability Work Is Gaining Traction?

64. The Invisible Leverage of the Top 1 Percent: Absentee Debtors and Their Hedge Funds

65. Good Intentions, Better Outcomes: Shifting the Debate About Social Protection and Informality

66. IMF Standby Agreements and Inequality: The Role of Informality

67. Transnational Cooperation -- An Explorative Collection

68. Greening Economies in Partner Countries: Priorities for International Cooperation

69. Social Contract and Social Cohesion: Synergies and Tensions between Two Related Concepts

70. Tomorrow’s Global Development Landscape: Mapping Trends and Reform Dynamics

71. Constellations of State Fragility: Improving International Cooperation through Analytical Differentiation

72. State Fragility and Development Cooperation: Putting the Empirics to Use in Policy and Planning

73. Getting Special Drawing Rights Right: Opportunities for Re-channelling SDRs to Vulnerable Countries

74. Some little-known effects of global warming

75. Climate Change, Response, and Mass Atrocities

76. The Mobility Key: Realizing the Potential of Refugee Travel Documents

77. Leaving No One Behind: Inclusive Fintech for Remittances

78. Emerging Technologies and Terrorism: An American Perspective

79. From tick box to turning point: Getting accountability right for improved humanitarian action

80. Neither Settler Nor Native:The Making and Unmaking of Permanent Minorities with Mahmood Mamdani

81. Free and Open Spaces: Small and Medium-Sized Nations Can Reshape the Modern World

82. Carbons of War: The Environmental Impact of Military Activity in Conflict and Peace

83. The Battle for Green Supremacy: Carbon Markets, Artificial Intelligence, and the Problem of Climate Finance

84. War, Peace, and Law

85. What Is Public Diplomacy? Fostering Cooperation, Countering Disinformation

86. Foreign Interference Online: Where Disinformation Infringes on Freedom of Thought

87. Conceptualizing Global Governance of AI

88. The Climate Policy Crisis: Governing Disinformation in the Digital Age

89. Data Disquiet: Concerns about the Governance of Data for Generative AI

90. New Logics for Governing Human Discourse in the Online Era

91. Breaking Barriers: The Link between Stronger IPRs and Trade in Services

92. State Intervention in the Public and Private Spheres in Times of Crisis: Covid-19 Pandemic

93. How the International Investment Law Regime Undermines Access to Justice for Investment-Affected Stakeholders

94. Harms from Concentrated Industries: A Primer

95. Why has the Global Demand for Uranium Increased Recently?

96. The Role of Multilateral Development Banks in Financing Energy Transition in South America

97. Dynamics and Mechanisms of Reproduction of the Ideology of Consumerism by Transnational Data Firms

98. The Politics of Inclusion in Peace Negotiations

99. Metaphoricizing Modernity

100. Exchange on Nick Onuf’s ‘Metaphoricizing Modernity,’ Part I—Dangerous Beginnings, Peripheral (Re)Beginnings: A Reconfiguration of Nick Onuf’s Constructivism