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10401. EU and Legitimacy - The Challenge of Compatibility: A Danish Case Study

10402. Accommodating Turkey In ESDP

10403. Five Years To The Euro For The CEE-3?

10404. Health Not Wealth

10405. Effects of the Berlin Summit on Own Resources, Expenditures and EU Net Balances

10406. A Primer on the Balance Sheet of the Eurosystem

10407. EMU and Labour Markets: Vae Germania?

10408. The First Weeks of the Eurosystem: An Initial Assessment and a Look Forward

10409. Rule Over Law: Obstacles to the Development of an Independent Judiciary in BIH

10410. Sidelining Slobodan: Getting rid of Europe's last dictator

10411. Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise

10412. Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise

10413. Developing a Methodology for Conflict Prevention: The Case of Estonia

10414. The Nonproliferation Regime under Siege

10415. Commercialization of Russian Technology in Cooperation with American Companies

10416. The Competitive Advantage of Hollywood Industry

10417. Hollywood and Europe: A Case of Trade in Cultural Industries, the 1993 GATT Dispute

10418. Conflict Prevention in the Baltic States: The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

10419. The Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Minority Language Policies: Case Studies on Wales, Ireland and the Basque Country

10420. Language Policy in Multilingual Switzerland - Overview and Recent Developments

10421. Coalition Formation and the Regime Divide in Central Europe

10422. Environmental Protectionism and Comparative Observations in West Europe

10423. Westphalia in Europe as West Failure Abroad?: A Comparative Study of the Fate of the Nation-State in Non-Europe

10424. European Integration and Franco-German Relations: Erbfeindschaft or Engrenage?

10425. Theoretical Explanations of Trade Competitiveness and a North American Application

10426. Agriculture and Supranationalism: A Comparative Study on North American and West European Policy-Making Experiences

10427. European Integration and Franco-German Relations: Erbreindschaft or Engrenage?

10428. Environmental Protectionism and Comparative Observations in West Europe and North America

10429. Strategic Images: Perceptions of Russia in the USA and of America in Russia

10430. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 5: September 9, 1998

10431. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 4: August 31, 1998

10432. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 3: August 27, 1998

10433. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 2: August 25, 1998

10434. Russian Financial Crisis Assessment 1: August 20, 1998

10435. Modelling a Multi-Ethnic Society

10436. Subregional Relations in the Southern Tier: Prospects for Development

10437. Subregional Cooperation and the European Union

10438. Rival Views Of Postcommunist Market Society

10439. Building a Composite Polity: Popular Contention in the European Union

10440. How Will the European Union Meet the 21st Century

10441. Muddling Through? A Strategic Checklist for the United States in the Post-Cold War World

10442. Prospects for Europe and the Atlantic Alliance at Century's End

10443. Security Issues for Russia in the New International Context

10444. Conflict Management and European Security: The Problem of Collective Solidarity

10445. New Security Challenge or Old? Russia's Catch—22

10446. The Future of the European Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy

10447. Focal Points and International Financial Markets: The Maastricht Convergence Criteria

10448. A New Statecraft? Supranational Entrepreneurs and International Cooperation

10449. Spaces of Contention

10450. The 1998 Per Jacobsson Lecture: Managing the International Economy in an Age of Globalisation