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10301. European Political Considerations on Operations Beyond Europe

10302. The Persian Gulf

10303. Emerging European Power Projection Capabilities

10304. US Perceptions of NATO Deployments Beyond Europe and of European Capabilities

10305. Germany: Migration Policies for the 21st Century

10306. Popes, Kings and Endogenous Institutions: The Concordat of Worms and the Origins of Sovereignty

10307. OECD Short Term Indicators Databank: March 1999

10308. The European Union and the Middle East Peace Process

10309. The Role of Politics in Contemporary Russian Antisemitism

10310. Barak's Complex Foreign Policy Agenda

10311. Israel's Relations with the Vatican

10312. "Contentious Europeans: Is There a European Repertoire of Collective Action?";

10313. Economic Survey of the Netherlands, 2000

10314. EMU One Year On

10315. Economic Survey of Germany, 1999

10316. Economic Survey of Iceland, 1999

10317. Europe—Defence Cooperation

10318. United States—Interest Rate Outlook

10319. United Kingdom—Ulster Prospects

10320. EU—Membership Indecision

10321. United States -- Economic Slowdown?

10322. The International Financial Architecture

10323. NATO at 50: The Summit Beyond

10324. Replacing Potemkin Capitalism: Russia's Need for a Free-Market Financial System

10325. Blunder in the Balkans: The Clinton Administration's Bungled War against Serbia

10326. U.S. Assistance for Market Reforms: Foreign Aid Failures in Russia and the Former Soviet Bloc

10327. Natural Resources and Economic Growth: A Nordic Perspective on the Dutch Disease

10328. Development Discontinuities: Leaders and Intermediaries in Producers' Associations

10329. On the Regulation of Telecommunications Markets

10330. The Asian Currency Crisis: Origins, Lessons and Future Outlook

10331. Can Public Service Survive The Market? Issues For Liberalized Electricity

10332. State And Region: The Spanish Experience

10333. Denmark and the Northern Dimension

10334. And Never the Twain Shall Meet ? The EU's Quest for Legitimacy and Enlargement

10335. EU and Legitimacy - The Challenge of Compatibility: A Danish Case Study

10336. Accommodating Turkey In ESDP

10337. Five Years To The Euro For The CEE-3?

10338. Health Not Wealth

10339. Effects of the Berlin Summit on Own Resources, Expenditures and EU Net Balances

10340. A Primer on the Balance Sheet of the Eurosystem

10341. EMU and Labour Markets: Vae Germania?

10342. The First Weeks of the Eurosystem: An Initial Assessment and a Look Forward

10343. Rule Over Law: Obstacles to the Development of an Independent Judiciary in BIH

10344. Sidelining Slobodan: Getting rid of Europe's last dictator

10345. Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise

10346. Modell Deutschland as an Interdenominational Compromise

10347. Developing a Methodology for Conflict Prevention: The Case of Estonia

10348. The Nonproliferation Regime under Siege

10349. Commercialization of Russian Technology in Cooperation with American Companies

10350. The Competitive Advantage of Hollywood Industry