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10151. Friendly Schengen Borderland Policy on the New Borders of an Enlarged EU and its Neighbours

10152. Our Future Southeastern Turkish Frontiers

10153. Issues for Europe -- Post-11 September

10154. Macedonia: War on Hold

10155. EU CRISIS RESPONSE CAPABILITY: Institutions and Processes for Conflict Prevention and Management

10156. The European Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO): Crisis Response in the Grey Lane

10157. HIV/AIDS as a Security Issue

10158. Price Level Convergence and Inflation in Europe

10159. Permanent Alliance? NATO's Prague Summit and Beyond

10160. Changing Terms of Trade: Managing the New Transatlantic Economy

10161. The Role of the State in the Labour Market: Its Impact on Employment and Wages In Portugal as Compared with Spain

10162. In Defense of the “Democratic Deficit”: Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union

10163. Fifteen Years On: Spanish Membership in the European Union Revisited

10164. Social Citizenship and Institution Building:EU-Enlargement and the Restructuring of Welfare States in East Central Europe

10165. On Incentives in Technology Policymaking: What the EU can learn from the U.S. developments

10166. Decentralized Cooperation and the Future of Regulatory Reform

10167. Potential Sources of Financing for U.S. Ventures in Russia

10168. Regional Identity in the Post-Cold War Balkans

10169. Communists of Moldova and the Future of the Country's Ethnopolitical Conflicts

10170. Testing Macedonia

10171. Croat Self-Government in Bosnia - A Challenge for Dayton?

10172. Armenian Minority in Georgia: Defusing Interethnic Tension

10173. The Globalization of Property Rights: An Anglo and American Frontier Land Paradigm, 1700-1900

10174. Information Management in the Field of Security Policy in SEE -- 1st Workshop of the Study Group: "Crisis Management in South East Europe"

10175. What kind of Democracy, Whose Integration? Construction of democracy and integration into the EU of Estonia

10176. The Evolution of Russian Grand Strategy -- Implications for Europe's North

10177. A friend in need or a friend indeed: Finnish perceptions of Germany's role in the EU and Europe

10178. A Security and Stability in Northern Europe – A Threat Assesment

10179. POST-NEUTRAL OR PRE-ALLIED? Finnish and Swedish Policies on the EU and NATO as Security Organisations

10180. Antiracism Without Races: Politics and Policy in a "Color-Blind" State

10181. Humanitarian Action: A Transatlantic Agenda for Operations and Research

10182. Insular Autonomy: A Framework for Conflict Settlement? A Comparative Study of Corsica and the Åland Islands

10183. The United States and Europe: Smooth Sailing or Storm Clouds Ahead?

10184. Through the Glass Ceiling: Towards a New Security Regime for Europe?

10185. NATO's Past, NATO's Future

10186. U.S.-EU Relations after the Introduction of the Euro and the Reinvention of European Security and Defence

10187. Beyond Enlargement: NATO's Role in Russia's Relations with the West

10188. Kosovo's Evolving Contest: Security, Policy and Sovereignty

10189. The Role of the EU in Peace-Building in the Mediterranean

10190. Russian Perception of European Security

10191. Recoiling from Russia

10192. Russia's Eurasian Security Policy

10193. Reshaping State-Society Relations Democratization in Southern and Eastern Europe

10194. Learning from each other in North and South: Local Agenda 21 in Germany and the Republic of Korea

10195. Behind the Myth of the Mittelstand Economy. The Institutional Environment Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Germany

10196. Key Factors of Structural Change in North Rhine-Westphalia

10197. Russia, EU, U.S. and the Balkans: What Future?

10198. Prosperity, Security, Democracy in the EU Perceptions Towards the Mediterranean

10199. Perceptions of Security in the Euro-Med North-South Dimension: The Northern Perspective

10200. The Role of International Organisations in the Mediterranean