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4901. Challenges of Peri-urbanization in the Lower Yangtze region: The Case of the Hanzhou-Ningbo Corridor

4902. The United States and Russia in Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran

4903. Central Asia: Border Disputes and Conflict Potential

4904. Staying the Course: Limitations in U.S. -China Relations

4905. People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF): Shifting Airpower Balance and Challenges to India's Security

4906. The Global Nuclear Balance: A Quantitative and Arms Control Analysis

4907. The Asian Balance of Weapons of Mass Destruction A Quantitative and Arms Control Analysis

4908. US and Russian Nuclear Forces and Arms Control After the US Nuclear Posture Review

4909. At the Crossroads of Post-Communist Modernisation: Russia and China in Comparative Perspective

4910. Rough Waters in the South China Sea: Navigation Issues and Confidence-Building Measures

4911. Constitutional Causes for Technological Leadership: Why Europe?

4912. Russia in the International System

4913. Second Annual Report

4914. Asian Perspectives on the Challenges of China

4915. China: Making the Case for Realistic Engagement

4916. Regional Conflicts with Strategic Consequences

4917. Russian Policy toward the Korean Peninsula, 1991-2001

4918. In Search of New Patterns of Rivalry and Interdependence: China-Japan Relations in a Changing Northeast Asia

4919. China's Conflict Behavior in Korea Revisited: Implications for East Asian Security

4920. The Impact of the Korean War on the Korean Economy

4921. US/China— Spyplane Accord

4922. Evolution of Japan's Policy Toward Economic Integration

4923. The Japan-China Summit and Joint Declaration of 1998: A Watershed for Japan-China Relations in the 21st Century?

4924. Perceptions on Free Trade: The Korean Debate Over the Japan-Korea Free Trade Agreement

4925. Significant Changes in the Chinese Television Industry and Their Impact in the PRC: An Insider's Perspective

4926. Hong Kong Under One Country Two Systems: Promises and Realities

4927. Russia's Image of China and Russian-Chinese Relations

4928. The Internet and State Control in Authoritarian Regimes: China, Cuba, and the Counterrevolution

4929. Going Too Far: Bush's Pledge to Defend Taiwan

4930. China And US Foreign Policy In The Asia-Pacific: Living With American Dominance

4931. The India-China Relationship: What the United States Needs to Know

4932. What Drove Relative Wages in France? Structural Decomposition Analysis in a General Equilibrium Framework, 1970-92

4933. Missile Defence and European Security

4934. HIV/AIDS as a Security Issue

4935. Foreign Direct Investment in China: Effects on Growth and Economic Performance

4936. Thinking Beyond the Stalemate in U.S. - Iranian Relations, Volume I - Policy Review

4937. Hegemon on the Offensive: Chinese Perspectives on U. S. Global Strategy

4938. The Place of the Defense Industry in National Systems of Innovation

4939. NATO's Past, NATO's Future

4940. Report of The Carter Center's Fourth Observation of Chinese Village Elections 4 Jan 2000

4941. The Sky Is Falling : Market Reforms and the Re-Emergence of Discrimination Against Women in China

4942. Prospects for WTO Trade Negotiations After Seattle: Foreign Strategies and Perspectives

4943. Annual Report on the Military Power of the People's Republic of China

4944. China Rising: New Challenges to the U.S. Security Posture

4945. "One China" and Relations Across the Taiwan Strait

4946. Korea-United States Industrial Alliance

4947. The Global Community of Overseas Koreans: The Chinese Koreans and the Korean Americans A Vision for the Future

4948. CIAO: China — Market Manipulation

4949. CIAO: US/China — Trade Relations

4950. United States — Presidential Race

4951. International -- Problematic Piracy

4952. External versus domestic Vs Coastal versus Interior

4953. Permanent Normal Trade Relations for China

4954. A Foreign Policy Report Card on the Clinton-Gore Administration

4955. China's Long March to a Market Economy

4956. Financial Services Liberalization in China: Conservative Gradualism

4957. Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta: "One Country, Two Systems" in the Emerging Metropolitan Context

4958. The United States and the Republic of China, 1949-1978: Suspicious Allies

4959. Sustainable Development and the Open-Door Policy in China

4960. China, Nuclear Weapons, and Arms Control: A Preliminary Assessment

4961. The United States, Japan, and China: Setting the Course

4962. The New Asian Challenge

4963. U.S. - Japan Energy Cooperation to Help Achieve Sustainable Energy Development in Asia

4964. The Diffusion of the Internet in China

4965. Impact On Global Warming Of Development And Structural Changes In The Electricity Sector Of Guangdong Province, China

4966. Chinese Nationalism and Its International Orientations

4967. Blazing New Trails: Villagers' Committee Elections in P. R. China

4968. Cooption and Repression in the Soviet Union

4969. Observations on The Township People's Congress Elections in Chongqing January 5-15, 1999 and Cooperative Activities with the Ministry of Civil Affairs August 1, 1998-January 15, 1999

4970. Buck Rogers or Rock Throwers?

4971. China's Future: Implications for US Interests

4972. Recent Chinese Leadership Priorities and Their Implications for the United States Findings

4973. Old Wine in New Bottles: The Pentagon's East Asia Security Strategy Report

4974. Chinese Foreign Policy and the Korean Peninsula

4975. China's Economy: Reform and Perspectives

4976. United States—Iraq Policy

4977. The Crisis in Asia: An Empirical Assessment

4978. The Global Economic Impacts of Trade and Financial Reform in China

4979. Regional and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: The Effects on Trade, Investment and Welfare

4980. Rapid Economic Growth in China: Implications for the World Economy

4981. The Transmission of Productivity and Investment Shocks in the Asia Pacific Region

4982. Blunder in the Balkans: The Clinton Administration's Bungled War against Serbia

4983. Old Wine in New Bottles: The Pentagon's East Asia Security Strategy Report

4984. Wage Reform, Soft Budget Constraints and Competition

4985. The Weightless Economy in Economic Development

4986. The Buenos Aires Climate Conference:Outcome And Implications

4987. Nesting the Alliances in the Emerging Context of Asia-Pacific Multilateral Processes: A U.S. Perspective

4988. China and the U.S.-Japan and U.S.-Korea Alliances in a Changing Northeast Asia

4989. New Estimates of the United States - China Trade Balances

4990. Japan-ROK Security Relations: An American Perspective

4991. The Korean-American Alliance and the "Rise of China": A Preliminary Assessment of Perceptual Changes and Strategic Choices

4992. Show of Force: The PLA and the 1995-1996 Taiwan Strait Crisis

4993. The Cox Committee Report: An Assessment

4994. The Nonproliferation Regime under Siege

4995. Carter Center Delegation Report: Village Elections in China and Agreement on Cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs, People's Republic of China 2 Mar 1998

4996. Curbed Markets?

4997. Right Makes Might: Freedom and Power in the Information Age

4998. Pipeline Gas In Northeast Asia

4999. The Yen, the Yuan, and the Asian Currency Crisis Changing Fortune between Japan and China

5000. Japan's China Perceptions and its Policies in the Alliance with the United States