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4801. What Went Right in Japan

4802. Adjusting China's Exchange Rate Policies

4803. Considering China as a Potential Member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group

4804. The World's Nuclear Arsenals

4805. The Economic aspects of security in South Eastern Europe

4806. Could Humphrey Have Gone to China? Measuring the Electoral Costs and Benefits of Making Peace

4807. China and State/Space: Scale Relations and the City in an Era of Globalization

4808. CERI: Developing Border Cooperation between China and Russia

4809. In Search of 'Suitable Positions' in the Asia Pacific: Negotiating the U.S. China Relationship and Regional Security

4810. The Correlates of Nationalism In Beijing Public Opinion

4811. Asian Oil Market Outlook: Role of the Key Players

4812. The Move to Preferential Trade in the Western Pacific Rim

4813. Changing Korean Perceptions of the Post-Cold War Era and the U.S.-ROK Alliance

4814. China's State-Owned Enterprises: Thriving or Crumbling?

4815. Are We Taking China's Future for Granted?

4816. Development of the civil realm in Shanghai environmental politics

4817. Ten Years Since Oslo: The PLO's "People's War" Strategy and Israel's Inadequate Response

4818. The United States, China, and Taiwan: A Future With Hope

4819. What is Sovereignty? The Cases of Taiwan and Micronesia

4820. China and Emerging Asia: Comrades or Competitors?

4821. Central Asian Leadership Succession: When, Not If

4822. Modernizing China's Military: A High-Stakes Gamble?

4823. Resolving Korea's Nuclear Crisis: Tough Choices for China

4824. 'Oil for the Lamps of China'—Beijing's 21st Century Search for Energy

4825. China Brief, Sars: Spreading Unrest

4826. China Brief, Taiwan's presidential countdown: what does it mean for the united states?

4827. China Brief, New Disease, New Leaders, Same Old Regime

4828. China Brief, Beijing studies the U.S. war in Iraq

4829. China Brief, National People's Congress: Popularity and power

4830. China Brief, Osama bin Laden in China

4831. China Brief, Beijing: blockade buster?

4832. China Brief, China's 7-percent solution

4833. China Brief, Xu Wenli, into American exile

4834. Chinese-North Korean Relations at a Crossroads

4835. When Will Russia Really Enter Northeast Asia?

4836. Attracting Investment to China

4837. Does China Matter? The Global Economic Issues

4838. China and Southeast Asia: The Difference of a Decade

4839. Chinese State, Chinese Society: Facing a New Century

4840. Brookings Northeast Asia Survey, 2002-03

4841. Reverse Course? The Fragile Turnaround in U.S.-China Relations

4842. Trade and Labor Standards: A Strategy for Developing Countries

4843. The China-Taiwan Military Balance: Implications for the United States

4844. Whither Europe?

4845. International Trade, Location and Wage Inequality in China

4846. Externalities in Rural Development: Evidence for China

4847. Trade Liberalization, Agriculture, and Poverty in Low-income Countries

4848. When Wen Comes To Washington . . .

4849. Taiwan Referendum: Waving a Red Flag

4850. Six-Party Talks Prospects

4851. A Bittersweet Win For Mr. Koizumi

4852. South Korea Must Play Bigger Role In Defense

4853. What's at Stake in Japan's Elections?

4854. Deepening America's Response to Terrorism

4855. China's Manned Space Program

4856. China's Great Power Diplomacy: Implications for the United States

4857. China-ROK-U.S. Relations and Regional Security in Northeast Asia

4858. A Thaw in India-China Relations

4859. The HIV/AIDS Crisis in India

4860. Sino-Japanese Relations Entering A New Stage- With the Trend of the Times, Broader Perspective as A Fresh Starting Point

4861. Emerging Third Stage Peri-Urbanization: Functional Specialization in the Hangzhou Peri-Urban Region

4862. Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Urban Dynamics in Chengdu, 1975–2002

4863. Tax Reforms for Enhancing the Stable Development of the Chinese Financial System

4864. The Politics of China's Shareholding System

4865. Local Governments and the Chinese Stock Market

4866. Sociological Dimensions of China's Economic Transition: Organization, Stratification, and Social Mobility

4867. International Organizations and Democratization: Testing the Effect of GATT/WTO Membership

4868. Politics and Property in Transitional Economies: A Theory of Elite Opportunity

4869. China's New Leadership: Paradoxes, Characteristics and Implications

4870. The Prospects for Political Reform in China: Religious and Political Expression

4871. Taiwan in U.S.-China Relations

4872. Taiwan's Approach to Cross-Strait Relations

4873. The Chinese Economy: WTO, Trade, and U.S.-China Relations

4874. Chinese Military Power

4875. Taiwan Strait III: The Chance of Peace

4876. Taiwan Strait II: The Risk of War

4877. Taiwan Strait I: What's Left of 'One China'?

4878. Revaluing the renminbi: a case of 'déjà vu all over again'?

4879. Clean Air for Asia - China - India - Japan - United States Cooperation to Reduce Air Pollution in China and India

4880. Free Movement of People, Goods, Services and Capital in View of the Context of Stability Pact

4881. The Bush Administration's Nuclear Strategy and Its Implications for China's Security

4882. Russia's Southern Regions: Threats and Opportunities

4883. China's Rise and the U.S. Army: Leaning Forward

4884. Democratic America in Northeast Asia: U.S. Strategy, Theater Missile Defense, and Allied Defense Relationships

4885. Easternization Meets Westernization: Patriotic Youth Organizations in French Indochina during World War II

4886. Managing Asia Pacific's Energy Dependence on the Middle East: Is There a Role for Central Asia?

4887. Coalition Dynamics in the War Against Terrorism

4888. The Phalcon Sale to China: The Lessons for Israel

4889. Observations on The Township People's Congress Elections in Chongqing

4890. China's Trade Opening: Implications for Regional Stability

4891. China and the United States in the Korean Reunification Process

4892. China — Securities Opening

4893. The Business of Congress After September 11: A Look Back and at What's Ahead for 2002

4894. Rebalancing United States-China Relations

4895. One Third of the World's Growth and Inequality

4896. From the Grabbing Hand to the Helping Hand: A Rent Seeking Model of China's Township-Village Enterprises

4897. Household Income Dynamics in Rural China

4898. Political Office, Kinship, and Household Wealth in Rural China

4899. Inaugural Oksenberg Lecture: The United States and China: A President's Perspective. An address by Jimmy Carter

4900. Privatization and Elite Mobility: Rural China, 1979-1996