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301. Implications of the Incursions into U.S. and Canadian Airspace

302. Evolution, not Revolution: Japan Revises Security Policy

303. Northeast Asia Defense Transparency Index 2021–22

304. China’s quest for innovation: progress and bottlenecks

305. Global trends in countries‘ perceptions of the Belt and Road Initiative

306. Can Chinese growth defy gravity?

307. Will China’s new financial regulatory reform be enough to meet the challenges?

308. Course Correction: Charting a More Effective Approach to U.S.-China Trade

309. Australia’s Role Supporting Democracies as a Middle Power

310. Pyongyang in Search of a New Cold War Strategy

311. U.S. Stance on North Korea’s “New Cold War” Narrative

312. Will Spring Ever Come? Security Landscape of Northeast Asia in 2023

313. China’s Stance on North Korea’s “New Cold War” Narrative

314. East Vs. West: A New Cold War?

315. The Role of Democracy Discourse in the Emerging "New Cold War"

316. China's Political-Economy, Foreign and Security Policy: 2023

317. Taiwan Strait Crises: Island Seizure Contingencies

318. General Equilibrium Analysis of Cost-Effectiveness and Distributional Impacts of China’s Nationwide CO2 Emissions Trading System

319. The Transition From an Intensity to an Absolute Emissions Cap in China’s National Emissions Trading System

320. Economic and Environmental Impacts of China’s New Nationwide CO2 Emissions Trading System

321. De-risking authoritarian AI: A balanced approach to protecting our digital ecosystems

322. Countering China’s coercive diplomacy: Prioritising economic security, sovereignty and the rules-based order

323. Seeking to undermine democracy and partnerships: How the CCP is influencing the Pacific islands information environment

324. China, climate change and the energy transition

325. China, climate and conflict in the Indo-Pacific

326. Gaming public opinion: The CCP’s increasingly sophisticated cyber-enabled influence operations

327. Chinese foreign policy in 2023: Stepping back from the brink

328. NATO’s 2022 Strategic Concept. Analysis and implications for Austria

329. The third EU-NATO joint declaration (10 January 2023): Was it worth the delay?

330. Updating Estimates of Methane Emissions: The Case of China

331. Outsiders Wanting In: Asian States and Arctic Governance

332. China's response to the US tech war: The closing of detours

333. Toward a Unified NATO Response to the People’s Republic of China

334. The World After Taiwan’s Fall

335. Digital China: The Strategy and Its Geopolitical Implications

336. Strategic Competition and Security Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

337. Understanding Alignment Decisions in Southeast Asia: A Review of U.S.-China Competition in the Philippines

338. War and Peace for Moscow and Beijing

339. Deepening Suspicions and Limited Diplomacy

340. Confrontation Muted, Tensions Growing

341. China Strengthens Regional Leadership Countering US Challenges

342. US-China Effort to Set “Guardrails” Fizzles with Balloon Incident

343. China-Russia Relations: Ending the War? Or the World?

344. Japan-China Relations: A Period of Cold Peace?

345. China-Korea Relations: Kim Jong Un Tests Xi-Yoon Diplomacy

346. Tensions Intensify as Taiwan-US IT Cooperation Blossoms

347. Xi Moderates to US and Others Amid Continued Competition

348. US-India Relations: Friends with Benefits

349. For All the Tea in China: The English East India Company

350. Messages to Washington: The significance of China's push for a new world order during President Jinping's Moscow visit

351. Second Meeting in Beijing: China-Facilitated Iran-Saudi diplomatic reconciliation efforts amid US apprehensions

352. Intertwined Interest: What’s behind China-Ivory Coast strengthened relations?

353. Military capabilities affected by climate change: An analysis of China, Russia and the United States

354. China “De-risking”: A Long Way from Political Statements to Corporate Action

355. US Trade Policy Options for Pacific Islands States Require Washington’s Political Commitment

356. Abrogating the Visiting Forces Agreement: Its Effects on Philippines’ Security and Stability in Southeast Asia

357. Balancing Natural Resources and Human and Social Capital: Pathways to Economic Diversification in Mongolia

358. Trade Balances and International Competitiveness in Cyber-physical, Digital Task-intensive, ICT Capital-intensive and Traditional Industries

359. Competition Versus Exclusion in U.S.–China Relations: A Choice Between Stability and Conflict

360. Common Good Diplomacy: A Framework for Stable U.S.–China Relations

361. China’s “Catchup” on Growing Genetically Modified Crops

362. ASEAN's medium- to long-term trade strategies and the direction of RoK-ASEAN cooperation

363. Network and Text Analysis on Digital Trade Agreements

364. China's Green Transition Policies and Its Implications for Korea

365. Strategies of Multinational Companies Entering China in the Era of U.S.-China Competition and Implications for Korea

366. PLA Logistics and Sustainment: PLA Conference 2022

367. Decoupling: Gender Injustice in China’s Divorce Courts

368. Conceptualization and Operationalization of Ambiguous Loss Among Left Behind Children in Rural China

369. Daring to Struggle: China's Global Ambitions Under Xi Jinping

370. Rejuvenating Communism: Youth Organizations and Elite Renewal in Post-Mao China

371. Imperfect Partners: The United States and Southeast Asia

372. Understanding Qing Officialdom Through Big Data

373. Rethinking "China" and the "Cold War"

374. Treason by the Margins of the Book: Censorship, Philology, History and Memory in 18th Century China

375. Reading The Backstreets in Ürümchi: Translation as Ethnographic Method and Practice of Refusal

376. The Strategic Repositioning of LNG: Implications for Key Trade Routes and Choke Points

377. China/United States: Europe off Balance

378. The Sino-Russian Partnership Assumptions, Myths and Realities

379. Digital Sovereignty: European Policies, American Dilemmas

380. South Korea and IPEF: Rationale, Objectives and the Implications for Partners and Neighbors

381. How the War in Ukraine is Changing the Space Game

382. Reshuffling Value Chains - South Korea as a Case Study

383. China in the Race to Low Earth Orbit: Perspectives on the future internet constellation Guowang

384. African Media Cultures and Chinese Public Relations Strategies in Kenya and Ethiopia

385. How Indonesia Used Chinese Industrial Investments to Turn Nickel into the New Gold

386. China’s Response to Türkiye’s Volatile Authoritarianism

387. Why the proposed Brussels buyers club to procure critical minerals is a bad idea

388. Will China's impending overhaul of its financial regulatory system make a difference?

389. US-China lessons from Ukraine: Fueling more dangerous Taiwan tensions

390. US strategy and force posture for an era of nuclear tripolarity

391. China’s subsea-cable power in the Middle East and North Africa

392. The NewSpace market: Capital, control, and commercialization

393. Beyond launch: Harnessing allied space capabilities for exploration purposes

394. Humanitarian aid: Defining new areas of US-LAC collaboration

395. China in Sub-Saharan Africa: Reaching far beyond natural resources

396. United States–China semiconductor standoff: A supply chain under stress

397. Implementing NATO’s Strategic Concept on China

398. China and the new globalization

399. Impact of economic sanctions on net commodity-producing and net commodity-consuming countries

400. Warnings and Welcomes: China’s Reopening and the Politics of International Travel