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101. South Korean Perspectives on China-Russia Collaboration in the Arctic

102. United States, UNESCO, and International Relations through Cultural Heritage

103. Rise of Economic Nationalism in Emerging Economies and the Influence of Elections

104. Inside the ICBM Lobby: Special Interests or the Public Interest?

105. The U.S.–Japan–South Korea Trilateral Partnership: Pursuing Regional Stability and Avoiding Military Escalation

106. Stabilizing the Growing Taiwan Crisis: New Messaging and Understandings are Urgently Needed

107. Paths to Crisis and Conflict Over Taiwan

108. Washington's and Taiwan's Diverging Interests Doesn't Make War Imminent

109. Competing Values Will Shape US-China AI Race

110. How Has the Ukraine War Changed the China-Russia Relationship?

111. Revitalizing U.S. Trade Remedy Tools for an Era of Industrial Policy in an Interconnected World

112. What if? The Effects of a Hard Decoupling from China on the German Economy

113. Mild Deglobalization: Foreign Investment Screening and Cross-Border Investment

114. What role for Chinese FDI in Africa? New survey evidence from Ethiopia and Ghana

115. Foul Play? On the Scale and Scope of Industrial Subsidies in China

116. The Motives for Chinese and Western Countries’ Sovereign Lending to Africa

117. African Sovereign Defaults and the Common Framework: Divergent Chinese Interests Grant Western Countries a “Consumer Surplus”

118. EU-China Trade Relations: Where Do We Stand, Where Should We Go?

119. When the Exception Overtakes the Rule: COVID-19, Security Exemption Clauses, and International Investment Agreements

120. China as the second nuclear peer of the United States: Implications for deterrence in Europe

121. China’s approach to AI standardisation: State-guided but enterprise-led

122. The Liquidity Crisis at the United Nations: How We Got Here and Possible Ways Out

123. China: New Hegemonic Power after the War in Ukraine?

124. China Maritime Report No. 42: Invasion Plans: Operation Causeway and Taiwan's Defense in World War II

125. China Maritime Report No. 41: One Force, Two Force, Red Force, Blue Force: PLA Navy Blue Force Development for Realistic Combat Training

126. China Maritime Report No. 40: Onboard Political Control - The Ship Political Commissar in Chinese Merchant Shipping

127. China Maritime Report No. 39: A Hundred Men Wielding One Gun - Life, Duty, and Cultural Practices Aboard PLAN Submarines

128. China Maritime Report No. 38: PLAN Anti-Submarine Warfare Aircraft - Sensors, Weapons, and Operational Concepts

129. China Maritime Report No. 37: Re-Engaging With the World: China's Military Diplomacy in 2023

130. China Maritime Report No. 36: China's T-AGOS: The Dongjian Class Ocean Surveillance Ship

131. China Maritime Report No. 35: Beyond Chinese Ferry Tales: The Rise of Deck Cargo Ships in China's Military Activities, 2023

132. China Maritime Report No. 34: PLAN Submarine Training in the "New Era"

133. Taiwan’s International Legal Standing: Navigating the Fragile Status Quo

134. The Strategic Adjustments of China, India, and the US in the Indo-Pacific Geopolitical Context

135. The Taiwan election result: A strategic opportunity for a calmer Taiwan Strait

136. No End in Sight? The West, China, and the Russo-Ukrainian War

137. China, the West, and the Rest: Who is Enjoying the Shadow of Whom?

138. Figures on the Billiard Table: EU-China Dynamics in the Wake of the 2024 European Elections

139. Infrastructures, energy and digitalisation: pillars for the sustainable development of transport in the Western Mediterranean

140. Challenges to Chinese blue-water operations

141. The Practice, Promise and Peril of EU Lawfare

142. Rapprochement Despite Strategic Divergence: The Significance of the 2024 Japan-China-South Korea Summit

143. China’s and Russia’s Aggressive Foreign Policies: Historical Legacy or Geopolitical Ambitions?

144. Japan, NATO, and the Diversification of Security Partnerships

145. Russia and China in Central Asia: Potential For Direct Competition

146. China, Russia, and Power Transition in Central Asia

147. The Realignment of the Middle East

148. Paralysis versus Obedience: China’s Local Policymakers’ Strategic Adaptation To Political centralization

149. Russia and China in Central Asia

150. Critical Minerals and Great Power Competition: An Overview

151. Cyber Risk Reduction in China, Russia, the United States and the European Union

152. Understanding and Countering China’s Global South Strategy in the Indo-Pacific

153. Deterring China: Imposing Nonmilitary Costs to Preserve Peace in the Taiwan Strait

154. Strengthening Implementation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act

155. The Global Impact of China’s Water and Related Environmental Problems

156. The Western Innovators of the Mobile Revolution: The Data on Global Royalty Flows to U.S. and Europe and Why It Matters

157. Trust and trade-offs: How to manage Europe’s green technology dependence on China

158. Material world: How Europe can compete with China in the race for Africa’s critical minerals

159. Nuclear Danger and the NPT

160. China, Russia, and the Coming Cool War

161. Lessons from China: How Soon Could Iran Get the Bomb? (Occasional Paper 2404)

162. War Game Reveals Chinese Attacks on Communications Could Paralyze Taiwan’s Efforts to Resist

163. Green Soft Power? Checking in on China as a Responsible Stakeholder

164. The Future of NATO’s Nuclear Posture and Arms Control in Today’s More Dangerous World

165. Nuclear China in the Twenty-First Century: Status and Implications for the World and Europe

166. Beyond Target: Indirect Impacts of Antidumping

167. ‘Self-Revolution’ Suggests Stronger CCDI Mandate

168. State Goals, Private Tools: Digital Sovereignty and Surveillance Along the Belt and Road

169. The Shapeshifting Evolution of Chinese Technology Acquisition

170. The Power Vertical: Centralization in the PRC’s State Security System

171. The Art of War: PRC Weaponizes Culture to Galvanize the People

172. Xi Jinping’s Quantitative Easing Unlikely to Save Economy

173. Understanding the PRC’s Selective Use of Military Hotlines

174. Beijing’s Soft Power Push with African Nations

175. Kubernetes: A Dilemma in the Geopolitical Tech Race

176. Kursk Incursion Draws Delayed Response From Beijing

177. Economic and Technological Zones: Economic Strategy in the Tibet Autonomous Region

178. PRC Advances New International Order In Astana

179. PRC Transfer of Military and Dual-Use Technology: the Case of the International Conference on Defence Technology

180. New Textbook Reveals Xi Jinping’s Doctrine of Han-centric Nation-Building

181. Foreign Fixations at the Heart of Chinese-style Modernization

182. Planned Obsolescence: The Strategic Support Force In Memoriam (2015-2024)

183. Xi Signals Firm Strategy but Flexible Tactics at China’s Central Foreign Affairs Work Conference

184. Foreign Intelligence Hackers and Their Place in the PRC Intelligence Community

185. National Defense Mobilization: Toward A Clear Division of Labor between the PLA and Civilian Bureaucracies

186. Implications of Article 23 Legislation on the Future of Hong Kong

187. Civil Society Defense Initiatives

188. PLA Personnel Shakeups And Their Implications

189. Next-Generation Perspectives on Taiwan: Insights from the 2024 Taiwan-US Policy Program

190. Protecting Undersea Infrastructure in the North American Arctic

191. Is the G7 still relevant?

192. China in Africa: The Nuanced Reality of Belt and Road

193. The Problem with Power: Taiwan in the Era of Great Power Competition

194. Chinese Export of Restricted High Priority Battlefield Items to Russia

195. Russian Company Elmak Procures “High Priority” Items for Russia’s War Efforts via China

196. Beijing’s Passive-Aggressive Middle East Policy

197. North Africa in an Era of Great Power Competition: Challenges and Opportunities for the United States

198. Determinants of Leader Visits: A Review and Future Directions in Scholarship

199. China’s Assertive Foreign Policy and Global Visions Under Xi Jinping

200. Impacts of Trade Diversion from China in the United States Market on Wages in a Third Country: Evidence from Thailand