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1. China’s Digital Silk Road: Outlines and Implications for Europe

2. Military Implications of PLA Aircraft Incursions in Taiwan’s Airspace 2024

3. Dreams Deferred in Xi’s New Year’s Speech

4. China: From Systemic Rival to Systemic Threat

5. New Information on Shenyang Machine Tool Company’s Illicit Sales to North Korea and Russia

6. Assad’s Fall Is an Opportunity for a U.S. Win Over China

7. Xi Demands Fealty Despite Domestic And Foreign Woes

8. CCP Ideological Indoctrination, Part 2: The New Plan for Training Party Cadres

9. Xi’s New Year’s Speech Dismisses Difficulties

10. China’s Anti-Corruption Efforts Gain Momentum in Finance and Healthcare

11. Global IR Research Programme: From Perplexities to Progressions

12. Western-Centric Moments in Homegrown IR Theories: Dependency, Chinese and African Schools

13. China’s Role in the Middle East

14. The Party and the People: Chinese Politics in the 21st Century

15. The Future of the Belt and Road in Europe: How China’s Connectivity Project is Being Reconfigured across the Old Continent – and What It Means for the Euro-Atlantic Alliance

16. Sino-Russian relations in a geopolitical Europe

17. China's Trade Strategies and Korea-China Cooperation Plans

18. EU's “Open Strategic Autonomy” and its Implications for Korea

19. Analyzing South Korea’s Semiconductor Industry: Trade Dynamics and Global Position

20. North Korea’s 2023 Trade with China: Analysis and Forecasts

21. Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait

22. International Competition in the High North: Kingston Conference on International Security 2022

23. Arming Allies and Partners: How Foreign Military Sales Can Change the China Problem

24. A Baseline Assessment of the PLA Army's Border Reinforcement Operations in the Aksai Chin in 2020 and 2021

25. War with China: A View from Early 2024

26. Decisive Decade: PRC Global Strategy and the PLA as a Pacing Challenge – 2023 PLA Conference

27. Episode 04: Exporting the War on Terror: Islamophobia in Asia

28. The Russia Factor in China’s Relations with the West

29. Digital Governance: Technology Tensions with China and Implications

30. Defining Peace: A content analysis of Brazil's, China's, and the European Union's discourses on the Ukraine War

31. Is Guanxi Changing? Referral Hiring and Social Networks in China

32. Wuhan: How the COVID-19 Outbreak in China Spiraled Out of Control

33. China and Latin America: A New Assessment

34. The White Crane of Alagśa: Legends of the Sixth Dalai Lama in Mongolia

35. Freedom Undone: The Assault on Liberal Values and Institutions in Hong Kong

36. Outsourcing Repression: Everyday State Power in Contemporary China

37. Net-Zero and Nonproliferation: Assessing Nuclear Power and Its Alternatives

38. German Ports and China: How to Reconcile Openness, Resilience and Security?

39. Xi Jinping’s Visit to France: Stumbling Blocks Pile Up on the Path of Bilateral Cooperation

40. Power and Financial Interdependence

41. Seeking Safer Shells: An Analysis of Interpretations, Justifications, and Rationales Behind Decisions on North Korean Defectors’ Right to Asylum

42. Emerging Powers and the Future of American Statecraft

43. Tracing the Roots of China’s AI Regulations

44. The risk of artificial intelligence: China edition

45. Starr Forum: China: The Rise and Fall of the EAST

46. US Hegemony in Latin America: Think Tanks and the Formation of Consensus about the Chinese Presence

47. Palestine: Public Opinion Report 2023, Part 2

48. Lessons from China's fiscal policy during the COVID-19 pandemic

49. China’s Perspective on Economic Security

50. South Korea: Caught in the Crosshairs of U.S.−China Competition Over Semiconductors

51. Economic Security and U.S.-China Competition: The View from North Korea

52. False promises: The authoritarian development models of China and Russia

53. Requirements for nuclear deterrence and arms control in a two-nuclear-peer environment

54. Geoeconomic fragmentation and net-zero targets

55. How Huawei Weathered the Storm: Resilience, Market Conditions or Failed Sanctions?

56. What if…? 12 Dragon King scenarios for 2028

57. The history of China’s future Lessons from the CIA

58. NATO and a Taiwan contingency

59. Decoding China’s Technology and Industrial Policy: Seven Terms You Need to Know

60. The Quantum Race: U.S.-Chinese Competition for Leadership in Quantum Technologies

61. The Sky Is Not the Limit. Geopolitics and Economics of the New Space Race

62. Unpacking China’s industrial policy and its implications for Europe

63. How to de-risk: European economic security in a world of interdependence

64. Global supply chains: lessons from a decade of disruption

65. Geopolitics in the Pacific Islands: Playing for advantage

66. China Threats and the Exploitation of China Threats: The 2024 Taiwan General Election

67. Climate Change in China’s Governance: Agenda, Agents, and International Collaboration

68. Green Hydrogen for Decarbonizing Asia's Industrial Giants

69. The Limits of Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Japan-ROK-China Relations After the Fukushima Wastewater Release

70. China’s Cooperation with Southeast Asia to Support More Ambitious Clean Energy Transition by 2030

71. The geopolitics of water: how the Brahmaputra River could shape India–China security competition

72. Ice panda: navigating China’s hybrid Antarctic agenda

73. Chinese foreign policy in 2024: crisis management and global governance

74. The European Union can go green and lower dependencies on China

75. Forecasting Chinese expansion into Central Asia

76. China’s Responsibility, and Ours: The Persecution and Neglect of Stateless North Korean Children

77. Gender in Strategic Competition: A Non-Traditional Strategy for Building Resilience in the Indo-Pacific

78. Enhancing the Cooperation between the US and Its Allies in the Mekong Subregion

79. A Subdued Environment and Missed Opportunities

80. Taiwan Voters Choose Independence

81. Biden-Xi Woodside Summit and the Slow Rehabilitation of US-PRC Ties

82. Beijing Moderates Criticisms Selectively

83. Taiwan and China—Steady As She Goes

84. China’s New Foreign Policy Moderation—Mixed Regional Implications

85. Ties Stabilize While Negative Undercurrents Deepen

86. Understanding Muslim Countries’ Support for China’s Actions in Xinjiang: A Qualitative-Comparative Analysis

87. Chinese Double Effect on Brazilian Foreign Policy (2003-2018)

88. Between State Capitalism and Economic State Craft: China INC.

89. Contemporary China in Anglo-American and Chinese Perspectives: Making Sense of a Rising China

90. The New Cold War Is Sending Tremors through Northeast Asia

91. Can Europe and India deepen ties through critical raw materials cooperation?

92. Port politics: Strategic autonomy and European ports

93. The G7’s Geoeconomic Future: Insights from Conflicts with Russia, China, and Iran

94. Between a Rock and a Hard Place: ASEAN Amid Sino-US Competition

95. Indian Ocean Security Means More Will Be Asked of US Allies

96. The Open Gap in the “Free and Open” Indo-Pacific

97. The US Should Enhance Economic Engagement with Taiwan

98. US Perspectives on Sino-Russian Cooperation in the Arctic and Roles for Partners

99. Sino-Russia Arctic Relations: The View from Singapore

100. Arctic Geopolitics and Governance: An Indian Perspective