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1. UNRWA Funding is Burdened with Conditionality

2. Seeking Safer Shells: An Analysis of Interpretations, Justifications, and Rationales Behind Decisions on North Korean Defectors’ Right to Asylum

3. Revising Organ Procurement Organization Guidelines to Obtaining Family Consent for Deceased Donation: An Anthropologically Informed Policy Proposal

4. Guam in Washington, 1972-Present: The Overlooked Strategic Implications of Congressional Polarization

5. US Hegemony in Latin America: Think Tanks and the Formation of Consensus about the Chinese Presence

6. How American Public Opinion on Palestine Shifted

7. Covering the Palestinian–Israeli Conflict: Between Exasperation and Empathy

8. Gaza: Israel’s Unwinnable War

9. NATO: Waging High-Tech Warfare

10. The Global West and Global South: Development Paths

11. Civilizational War: The Will to Win

12. 'I Don't Know What Tomorrow will Bring': Understanding COVID-19’s Impact on the United States’ Stateless Population

13. The Russia Factor in China’s Relations with the West

14. Pivotal States, Not Swing States

15. Biden-Xi Woodside Summit and the Slow Rehabilitation of US-PRC Ties

16. Weathering the Crisis

17. Ties Stabilize While Negative Undercurrents Deepen

18. America First: Foreign Aid in the Trump Administration

19. Operation Car Wash beyond Borders: The Making of a Transnational Policing Field

20. Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy

21. Imaging the Diaspora: Imperialism, Immigration, Individualism

22. The Evolution and Ethics of Accountability Sanctions

23. The Changing Priorities of the U.S. Empire and the Fate of Puerto Rico

24. Retrospectiva, incógnitas y conjeturas: imaginando la OTAN tras la guerra de Ucrania

25. El final de la Pax americana. La evolución del sistema internacional. Los nuevos equilibrios

26. The Strategic Adjustments of China, India, and the US in the Indo-Pacific Geopolitical Context

27. Undoing a Hybrid Regime: What Lessons Can Be Extracted from the Case of North Macedonia?

28. Kubernetes: A Dilemma in the Geopolitical Tech Race

29. Advice from an Old School Diplomat to the Chat/GPT Generation

30. The Christmas Gift that Keeps Giving

31. Satchmo, the Duke, and the Count: Representing America at its Best Despite Having Experienced its Worst

32. Tough Love and the Diplomacy of Foreign Assistance

33. Diplomacy and the Mysteries of the How: The ‘Craft’ in Statecraft

34. Has NATO Enlargement Enhanced US National Security?

35. When I was a Vice Consul in Nuevo Laredo

36. Representation is Work

37. Fletcher, Russia, and a Path Forward: A Conversation with Evelyn Farkas

38. The Problem with Power: Taiwan in the Era of Great Power Competition

39. Strategic Instability: Challenges for Deterrence and the Changing Character of Warfare

40. Countering Terrorism in a Period of Great Power Competition

41. Determinants of Leader Visits: A Review and Future Directions in Scholarship

42. South Caucasus at the Crossroad of Peace and War

43. Incivility in Diplomacy as a Reflection of the Crisis in Foreign Policy Culture

44. México en la rivalidad China-Estados Unidos: Las limitaciones de China en la competición comercial

45. La puerta de Latinoamérica: Las relaciones de Panamá con Estados Unidos y China, oportunidades y desafíos

46. El lugar de Venezuela en las restricciones chino-estadounidenses: una mirada desde la prensa española en el marco de la invasión rusa a Ucrania

47. Perú entre Estados Unidos y China: Adaptación de la política exterior peruana de cara a las divergencias chino-estadounidenses

48. Despliegue del poder blando chino en América Latina y recepción en los países de la región

49. La política exterior argentina: Equilibrios y continuidades entre China y Estados Unidos

50. Brasil-Estados Unidos-China en el orden global a principios del siglo XXI: Un análisis desde la perspectiva de la política exterior brasileña

51. Ilusión de la verdad y fake news: Las mentiras repetidas de Hitler, Trump, el independentismo catalán y los bulos de la COVID-19

52. Los retos de Honduras en materia de inseguridad. El dilema de Xiomara Castro ante el populismo punitivo y de la seguridad.

53. Exploring the Interplay between Trade and Industrial Policies and the Impact of Geopolitics on the Transformation of Taiwan’s Economy

54. CTC Sentinel: August 2023 Issue

55. CTC Sentinel: July 2023 Issue

56. CTC Sentinel: June 2023 Issue

57. CTC Sentinel: May 2023 Issue

58. CTC Sentinel: April 2023 Issue

59. ‘Follow the Money’: tracking the diffusion of the American anti-money laundering policy in Latin America (1990s-2000s)

60. The Transition from Nationalism to Islamism in Iran’s Foreign Policy

61. Dominating the Superpower: A Bounded Rationality Approach to Nuclear Proliferation and Inhibition in the U.S. / North Korea Dyad

62. Book Review: Sebastian Rosato, Intentions in Great Power Politics: Uncertainty and the Roots of Conflict (Yale University Press, 2021)

63. Do Campaign Speeches Predict Foreign Policy? An Operational Code and Leadership Trait Analysis of Donald Trump’s MENA Policies

64. Reagan in China: Don’t Say Anything about the Turkeys

65. Stepping Up Our Climate Diplomacy

66. Would You Say No to Shirley Temple on Thanksgiving?

67. Where the “Marshall Plan” Became the Organization for European Economic Cooperation

68. The Guinea Worm, President Carter and Me: A Journey Through Health Diplomacy

69. A Mongoose Walked into a Narcotics Den…

70. Secret Baseball in China

71. The Role of US Diplomacy in a Changing World

72. Mission Strategic Plans: A Neglected Developmental Tool

73. The Monroe Doctrine After 200 Years: A Strategic Hinge Period in American History

74. Reconciling with a Former Enemy: Post-War Diplomacy between the US and Vietnam

75. HIV, the Legacy of America’s Response, and Lessons for Future Outbreaks

76. Plurilateral Controls and a New Export Control Regime are Needed to Make Export Controls More Effective and Less Counterproductive

77. Community Living for People with Disabilities in Public Housing: Evaluating the Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2010

78. Using Real-Time Google Search Activity to Target Emergency Fiscal Stimulus

79. The importance of the United States in Poland’s military security policy in the context of the war in Ukraine

80. Turkey forever balances between East and West

81. The Governments of Mauricio Macri and Jair Bolsonaro: Ideology, Pragmatism and Foreign Policy

82. New Enemies, Old Strategies: Barack Obama's Foreign Policy Based on the Two Presidencies Thesis

83. The Twilight of US Dollar Hegemony and the Coming Multipolar World

84. United States Diplomacy and the 1973 War

85. Israel and the United States Did Not See the 1973 War Coming

86. Military coup in Niger: The legacies of colonialism and the US War on Terror in West Africa

87. BlackRock ve ABD Hegemonyası

88. Moonshot vs. Long March: Contrasting the United States’s and China’s Space Programs

89. U.S.-China Data War Intensifies as Bilateral Relations Nosedive

90. Strategic Competition between USA and China in Asia Pacific Region

91. Shifting Dynamics in the Middle East: Implications for Pakistan

92. Tackling Russian Gray Zone Approaches in the Post-Cold War Era

93. The Cold War Computer Arms Race

94. Revisiting the Global Posture Review: A New U.S. Approach to European Defense and NATO in a Post-Ukraine War World

95. Including Africa Threat Analysis in Force Design 2030

96. The Nationalization of Cybersecurity: The Potential Effects of the Cyberspace Solarium Commission Report on the Nation’s Critical Infrastructure

97. Sovereignty, Cyberspace, and the Emergence of Internet Bubbles

98. Fall 2023 edition of Strategic Visions

99. Spring 2023 edition of Strategic Visions

100. The Pashinyan Conundrum: Predictably Unpredictable, Consistently Inconsistent